Tag Archives: Anabelle
Anabelle and Tippy
Anabelle – Standard Poodle
Shasta is Smiley and Charlie’s daughter and is such a sweetheart. She gives you the biggest smile when she comes to get cuddles. Is independent and yet always wants her cuddles and hugs. actually, ALL of our dogs love to be hugged! Shasta is a great mom and very soft and gentle with her pups. When her puppies are born, she is so proud of them and wants to show them right away to me and covers them after with her head and the curve of her body.
Past Litters From Anabelle
Anabelle is a Standard Poodle, daughter of Smiley and Charlie, sister of Shasta and Maggie. She lives with a Guardian family and absolutely loves the young boy to pieces. When she gets picked up again after her stay for breeding, she just wanted to sit in front of him and lick his neck, so adorable, and again, this seems to be mutual!!