Anabelle and Tippy Bernedoodles of Jersey Acres PurpleGirl PinkGirl OrangeBoy FuchsiaGirl BlueBoy BeigeGirl RedBoy
Molly and Tippy Bernedoodles of Jersey Acres AquaGirl YellowGirl RedBoy PurpleGirl PinkGirl OrangeGirl GreenBoy FuchsiaGirl BrownBoy BlueBoy BlackBoy BeigeBoy
Holly and Jack Bernedoodles of Jersey Acres YellowBoy RedBoy PinkGirl OrangeBoy GreenBoy FuchsiaGirl BrownBoy BlackBoy BeigeGirl
Shasta and Lorcan Bernedoodles of Jersey Acres RedBoy PurpleGirl PinkGirl BrownBoy BlackBoy BeigeBoy AquaGirl
Lucky and Duke Bernedoodles of Jersey Acres YellowGirl RedBoy PurpleGirl PinkGirl Lt BlueBoy BlueBoy BlackBoy
Hazel and Jack Bernedoodles of Jersey Acres BrownBoy BlueBoy BlackBoy BeigeBoy YellowGirl PinkGirl OrangeBoy Lite BlueGirl Dark PinkGirl
Smiley and Charlie Bernedoodles of Jersey Acres Red Boy Purple Girl Pink Girl Orange Boy Lt Blue Girl Brown Girl Black Boy
Smiley and Duke Bernedoodles of Jersey Acres YellowGirl RedGirl PinkGirl GreenBoy FuchsiaGirl BrownBoy BlueBoy BlackBoy BeigeGirl
Ebony and Lorcan Bernedoodles of Jersey Acres RedBoy PurpleGirl PinkGirl GreenBoy BrownBoy BlackBoy BeigeBoy